Yeah, as Scully says it's a form of superstition. Like a CO once said at my cong "everything that happens in life is either down to angelic direction or demonic inervention". Apart from the obvious meaning you can catch the insinuation that bad things are Satan's doing and most good things down to God.
It really winds me up when athletes, singers, actors etc thank God for any success they achieve in their respective professions and then on the other hand people curse God for sending earthquakes, floods etc. As if God could give a crap about getting a semi-talented warbler a grammy rather than saving thousands of lives
I'll give you good bets that the first words to come out of the Pop Idol winners mouth will be a thankyou to God. Maybe God was so busy watching Pop Idol he forgot about Christian worker Norman Kember in Iraq and he ended up getting kidnapped.
Thank God I'm an athiest.